November 2015 Newsletter

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A Couple’s Journey


How Come the Sex Is Great but We Don’t Know How to Talk to Each Other?

Oct 28, 2015

Good Sex and good communication are possibly two of the most critical components in determining whether a marriage or a relationship is a happy one. And maybe, along with love, is what makes a relationship strong enough to make the distance. If your relationship lacks any of these three components, you definitely need to do […]

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Relationships When There Is a Disability

Oct 21, 2015

An email I received through the last week was from someone who was asking about entering into a relationship with a person disabled, in this case, by childhood polio. There are many relationships the world over where one or both parties to the couple have a disability of some sort. This could be physical, such […]

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Get Him Back in Three Simple Steps

Oct 16, 2015

Friends and the Media are full of ideas about how to get your boyfriend back after he has dumped you. Here is a sample of some of the things that I have heard and read: “Getting your ex back is not difficult. You just have to be a bit subtle and think from the point […]

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What Happened To The Magic In Your Relationship?

Oct 12, 2015

Click on the flyer to see it in full size. If you would like to attend the seminar please ring 02 99978518 or email with the words: “Yes I would like to attend the seminar”. Some excerpts from my workshops.

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Equality in the Relationship

Oct 10, 2015

Can There Really Be Equality in the Relationship? Before I can answer this question I think I need to define the terms ‘equality’ and ‘relationship’. The term relationship, by its very nature, implies a connection between two individuals with a shared benefit for both parties. While this might imply equality it may or may not actually […]

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Relationship Remedy


I’m Pregnant and I Don’t Feel I Love Him Anymore

October 28, 2015

There’s another question that goes often comes with this one and that is about the satisfaction many women feel in having given birth. It’s like the child now fulfills all her love and sexual needs some even saying that the very act of holding a child in their arms and/or breast-feeding the child gives them immense sexual pleasure so much so that some women even report the experience of an orgasm every time they feed their child…

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Are You Addicted To Love?

October 21, 2015

Marriage is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life and maybe only second to becoming a parent. Consequently it is crucial that it is a decision made with considerable thought and care to ensure that, as much as possible, it will create a lasting relationship. Having said that I have never come across anyone who made a decision to marry with the intent of divorcing and yet, as we know, more than 40% of first marriages do end in divorce and the statistics are even higher for second and subsequent marriages – 60%++…

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He says he wants me but will not commit

October 17, 2015

To know in your mind, and feel in your heart, that you are in a committed relationship and that whatever happens, your partner will still be there for you, brings a sense of security to those in the relationship that love alone cannot provide. One thing I often ask a couple when beginning work with them is whether they are committed to each other as well as to the relationship. The answer to this question is even more important than the answer to the question – “Do you love your partner?” as the two may actually not be mutually inclusive…

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Indicators That Your Relationship Is In Deep Trouble

October 11, 2015

Why Do My Parents Hate Each Other So Much? I was speaking to a young boy this week, let’s call him Mat (not his real name), who asked me a question about his divorcing parents – “Why do my parents hate each other so much?” I found myself searching for an answer and finally said: “I don’t believe your parents really ‘hate’ each other but maybe are just so angry with each other, and with the situation they are in, that it looks like they really hate each other…

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Love, Lies and Games


Effective Communication in Action

October 18, 2015

When you look at the solution to a problem from a different perspective then everything gets easier. Child’s play really. If you imagine two adults who are playing tic-tac-toe and are competing for the win you are going to see the big picture as if from a bird’s eye view. Let’s accept for a moment that the game is a dispute. I put an “x”, my partner puts an “o” and we continue like this one after another. The tension is getting stronger. Who is going to win? At some point my partner puts his “o” and draws a smile. I smile back, I accept the dispute from its amusing angle and I understand that my partner’s intentions towards me are positive. I quickly grasp the wink. A game or a dispute, call it whatever you want…

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Relationship Rules for Effective Communication (Part 2)

October 11, 2015

Body language, power of words, facial expression, position of the hands, waving of the hair – what do all of these mean to you when transferred into everyday communication? Is the reading of every gesture part of effective communication between people? Is it non-verbal language? I am asking myself, isn’t this the key to Relationship Rules for Effective Communication?;Of course, my experience as well as all of the big books written on this topic prove that each gesture or movement of our bodies expresses our inner condition in a moment of conversation, in a moment of a dispute, or even in a moment when we say “I love you” to our partner. In order to be a good converser and listener at the same time you need to acquire a few simple skills and mostly you have to learn to read the code o…

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